girlI’m Hercule’s partner, Bertha Kowolski of BK Investigations. Recently I acquired a canine partner, not by choice. I call him Hercules. He’s a fantastic little dog who seems to understand what is being said with those big Chihuahua ears of his. Too bad he can’t talk! I never wanted a dog but it didn’t take me long to discover the advantages of having a partner with a hairy Terrier-type ruff that hides an antenna when I send him undercover. He follows orders well, which makes me suspect he understands a lot.

I like working with Falcon City Police Service Detective, Paul Jamison. We went to high school together. He’s one handsome hunk of manhood and a favourite with the FCPS wrestling team; we used to tangle on the high school mat occasionally, just for fun. Now I have a bum knee that sidelined me from that and the roller derby circuit where I even held ‘Queen’ title for awhile. Then I got my private investigator’s licence through Police Chief Yates. He and I go way back, and he’s familiar with the unsolved kidnapping of my little brother, which I haven’t given up on.  Constable Sanchez, an arrogant pip-squeak of a guy, is one policeman I don’t get along with.  His attitude rubs me wrong and I suspect he does the same for Hercules; those two spend most of their time snarling at each other!

Chief Yates put the three of us together on the convoluted multiple kidnappings, Case of the Duffle Bag Kids, no kids hurt and we got them all back. But, it was really Hercules who solved the case. He’s a natural sniffer dog, and in this case it was an outdated anaesthetic that he zeroed in on.  I’m proud of the little guy.