Me again—Long Dog D’Silvo—to tell you about my big friend, Tiny. His real name is Rupertus Reinfeld but his people call him Tiny. The St. Bernard is big hearted though. You have to understand that when I first met him, he could practically sniff me up one nostril! Right away he nick-named me Squirt and I could see he would never hurt me. It was Tiny that held down a water wing I’d discovered so that I could scramble into it in order to swim with the Doggie Gang. Despite his gentle manner, Tiny has a deep bass voice that can be scary, which was exactly what we needed the time we thwarted a gang of jewel thieves. Tiny held position in the shop doorway until Prissy and Pedro arrived with the police.
There are two other similarly sized dogs in our Canadian sailing group, although the Newfoundlands do not belong to the Doggie Gang. They’re pedigreed water rescue dogs who hold a high opinion of themselves, but it’s their high-attitude owner’s who instilled that in them. Prince and Queenie have fancy names: Prince Willy-Jac and Queen Anna-June. No wonder they’re stuck-up! Despite their superior attitudes, they’ve rescued me or said a kind word a time or two; I had to rescue them a couple of times as well. Once they even got the blame for leading the Doggie Gang on a sausage raid. They weren’t at fault but that was one time we all had the last laugh on them.
That covers all of the members of the Doggie Gang, as well as our two stuck-up black comrads. Once you read all about us, you’ll want to read about my progeny with the unique ‘ear’ capabilities, Fellow. That’s in The Adventures of Long Dog D’Silvo and Son, coming up soon.