Today there is often so much not to laugh over, that I enjoy good humour, be it in the form of television or reading.  Of course, you are what you see/read, so it goes without saying that I like to write something to laugh about, or at least get that ‘feel good’ glow.  When I write the truth, I want you to join in at my amusement; when I write fiction, I make a point of ensuring you get a few good laughs—I know I often chuckle at the word pictures I’m creating.  But humour isn’t entirely about an all-out belly laugh.

As long as when you get to the end of my book, you can say you’ve had your funny bone tickled a few times, that’s what counts.  One of the most enjoyable scenes I found to write in my book comes in the chapter titled:  Long Dog and the Great Sausage Caper.  I’ll let the title tell you what to expect!