Sheesh, having a pup is hard work, teaching him how to be a good dog; he doesn’t seem to have much common sense and insists on calling me Pop Long Dog. He’s got a good heart and all but there’s been a time or two when it looked like a much bigger dog would give us a licking!
Fellow sure likes to eat. That got him into trouble with the Dog Catcher. He got caught coaxing little kids to hand over their food at the market. Then, because of him, Mrs. D’Silvo made us go on a diet! She was so mad when he got a whole package of wieners down off the table that she declared Fellow had to go! At the marina Christmas party he wolfed down his ice cream in one go—got an ice cream headache and howled and whimpered until the snooty Newfoundland dogs pointed out that only un-pedigreed mutts do things like that. What could I say?
But there were times when he saved the day. Fellow rescued me and Peter when the cliff face we were standing on slid off; he was so brave he let the rangers lower him down with ropes so we could get pulled up. Then together we rescued a skinny dog, an even skinnier cat and a pair of young girls from a bad man who held them prisoner on board a big ship. While we waited for the chance to put our escape plans into effect we all went hungry but he didn’t complain about his rumbling stomach. He’ll learn common sense and how to be responsible when the time comes – if he doesn’t let that handy-dandy ear of his get him into more trouble! Arf.